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Community Empowerment

i) Trainings for road constructions workers under poverty reduction pilot project (PRPP) – ADB supported in Khairpur and Sanghar Districts:

• Organizational management (2 training – 50 male)
• Poverty alleviation (2 training – 50 male)
• Social Mobilization (2 training – 50 male)
• Project management and coordination (2 training – 50 male)
• Monitoring & Evaluation (2 training – 50 male)
• Effective communication (2 training – 50 male)
• Conflict management (2 training – 50 male)
• Saving and Investment (2 training – 50 male)
• Micro Enterprise and Development (2 training – 50 male)

ii) Community Management and Skill Development

To enhance the managerial and enterprise development skills of the members of COs of Taluka Shahdadpur, Sinjhoro (Distt: Sanghar) and Nawabshah in the districts of Sanghar and Nawabshah, following trainings were organized with the support of PPAF:

• 5 trainings of 15 days for 82 females
• 17 trainings for 208 males and 215 females
• 17 livestock management skill trainings for 145 males and 445 females
• 15 trainings for 425 males on agricultural production practices

iii) Training on Abiyana Assessment (Water Charges)

Abiyana assessment (water charges) trainings for 50 male members of farmer organizations (FOs) was organized with the support of Sindh Irrigation & Drainage Authority (SIDA)

iv) Training to Nazims, Naib Nazims and Local Councilors:

To promote citizen community boards (CCBs), 570 Nazims, Naib Nazims, local councilors (male and female) of union councils in District Tando Allah Yar, Sindh supported by the Devolution Trust for Community Empowerment (DTCE) by organizing 19 training events. And Project Management Cycle Trainings were carried out to train the CCB members total 6 events were managed in which 114 male and 23 female members were trained.

v) Training to Women Councilors in Political Participation

Total 600 women councilors were trained in Mentoring and Nurturing for women empowerment in decision making and problem solving under Women’s Political Participation Project (W3P) at Hyderabad, Nawabshah and Naushero Feroze districts, supported by UNDP.

vi) Training of Presiding/Assistant Presiding Officers

520 training events were organized to develop capacity of 20,000 Presiding Officers and Assistant Presiding officers to conduct fair elections in October 2002 with the support of UNDP, Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP), and Social Engineering Consultants (SEC), Islamabad.

vii) Training on Agriculture, Land and Water Management

The following trainings were organized with the support of various donors:

Training Area No. of Trainings No. of Participants
Male Female
Crop Management 2 60 -
Land & Water Management 2 450 -
Wheat Crop 2 88 -
Use of Fertilizers 1 250 -
Exposure Visit 2 24 20
Land and Water Use & Wheat Crop 1 65 -

viii) Training Workshop Organizational Management and Learning Tours

The following training workshops and learning tours were organized with the support of various donors:

Training Area No. of Trainings No. of Participants
Male Female
Organizational Management 1 17 -
Exposure Visit 2 24 20
Cluster workshop for Importance of Organization 2 47 -
Activists Experience Sharing for Women Development 1 - 27
Health Awareness 1 26 -

ix) Vocational Training and Income Generation Program for Women

Organized 2 trainings for 59 local women with the support of PKP Exploration Limited in Taung, taluka Thano Bola Khan, district Dadu (now District Jamshoro).

2. Micro credit Enterprise Development

With the support of OPP (from June, 1998), TVO (From April 2001) and PPAF (January, 2002) micro credit is being provided to male and female entrepreneurs for agriculture, livestock, and enterprise development. From June 1998 to December, 2007, the credit of Rs.76.933 million has been provided to 5,035 (male and female) beneficiaries in 15 UCs and 85 Villages. The credit program is being executed in taluka Shahdadpur, Sinjhoro, Nawabshah of district Sanghar and Nawabshah. Around 30% loans have been extended to women. The process of formation of CO is presented as Annex-1. However, appropriate social, economic technical appraisal of the borrower is made before disbursement of micro credit. The capacity is also enhanced for the borrowers to ensure the proper utilization of the credit. Cumulative Credit Disbursement June 1998-December 2007 Supported by TVO, OPP, PPAF is presented below:

Beneficiaries of Credit Program (Loanee) 5035

Community Trainings (Participants ) 2,441
Savings accounts to microfinance clients 3,083

Sector / Gender Total No. of Borrowers Amount
(Rs. in Million)
i) Live Stock 1,820 27.1605
Male 644 7.677
Female 1,176 14.817
ii) Micro Enterprise 1,366 16.721
Male 1,131 12.687
Female 235 2.658
iii) Agriculture 1,602 32.4215
Male 1,478 30.305
Female 124 0.158
iv) Land Development 17 0.630
Male 17 0.630
Total 5035 76,933
Male 3573 56.945
Female 1462 19.988
3. Community Physical Infrastructure

Under PPAF Sindh Coastal Area Development Program the following schemes have been implemented in Tehsil Jati, District Thatta, Sindh:

S# Scheme Village Union Council Beneficiaries
Male Female Children
1. Culvert Mamon Lodo Kothi 48 52 20
2. Water Supply Mamon Lodo Kothi 48 52 20
3. Brick pavement Abdullah Jat Kothi 64 58 39
4. Hand pump Arbab Pandhi Kothi 53 48 23
5. Hand pump Gul Hassan Thahim Kothi 56 45 32
6. Wind Turbin Abdullah Jat Kothi 64 58 39
7. Wind Turbin Mian Abdul Karim Jat Kothi 59 51 27
8. Wind Turbin Raj Shaikh Bachal Kothi 61 45 23
9. Wind Turbin Umar Thahim Kothi 58 49 29

Status of Schemes: Schemes are under implementation phase and will be completed during June 2008

Under UNICEF Support the following hand pumps were installed:

S# Village Union Council Beneficiaries
Male Female Children
1 Sobho Khan Nohani Kangoro 50 46 20
2 Digree Digree 61 47 23
3 Nawab Farm Turk Ali Mari 59 53 29
4 Ghulam Mohammad tangri Fazal Bambro 36 56 35
5 Tando Kolachi Jhuddo 57 61 39
6 Phladyyon Phladyyon 67 43 24
7 78-mori Umerkot road Balochabad 69 55 23


4. Social Services - Health and Education

i) Training to Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs)

With the support of BP Pakistan trained TBAs of 79 villages:
• 20 TBAs in Taluka Chambar, District Tando Allah Yar
• 15 TBAs in Jati area, Taluka Jati, District Thatta
• 17 TBAs in Taluka Tando Ghulam Hyder, District Tando Muhammad Khan

With the support of PKP Exploration Limited trained:

• 15 TBAs in Mole area, Taluka Thano Bola Khan, District Jamshoro (former Dadu)
• 16 TBAs in Taung area, Taluka Thano Bola Khan, District Jamshoro (former Dadu)

iv) Agriculture, Environment, Water and Sanitation

UNICEF supported water, environment and sanitation (WES) projects during 2002 in Mirpurkhas, Hyderabad and Jamshoro (former Dadu district) districts. In the project area, training for installation of hand pumps, demonstration and model construction of pit latrine and formation of women organizations were undertaken for promoting personal hygiene, food hygiene, domestic hygiene, and environmental hygiene.
Health Initiatives

 A free medical camp and hygiene promotion campaign in village Ghulam Mohammad Daheri UC Preetamabad, Taluka Sinjhoro, Sanghar on 19 May 2007 SRSP selected.
 Total 250 patients were treated and provided free medicines; out of them 180 were children, 40 females, and 30 males. Free medicines were provided to the patients.
 Awareness Campaign:
- Enrollment of girls and boys
- Health & Hygiene
- Tree Plantation
 Methodology:
- Distributed the pamphlets
- Mobilization meetings with community people, teachers, and parents,
- PMC members are playing vital role to increase the enrollment

Health and Education
Preventive Health

Trainings: SRSP has organized four (05) extensive trainings for Traditional Birth Attendants (TBA’s) projects for 84 Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) in:

• Union Council Moul ,District Jamshoro
• Union Council Taung ,District Jamshoro
• Taluka Jati, District Thatta
• Taluka Chamber, District Tando Allahyar
• Taluka Tando Ghulam Hyder District Tando Muhammad Khan

Medical Camps: SRSP has organized (04) medical camps in:

• Union Council Gul Muhammad Baran, Jati, Thatta
• Union Council Kothi, Jati, Thatta
• Union Council, Jati, Thatta
• Taluka Jam Sahib, District Nawabshah

Anti- Polio Campaign: SRSP is actively taking part in the anti-polio campaigns and walks by providing vehicles to polio teams, awareness campaigns, health walks and community mobilization for keeping clean and healthy environment in their villages
HIV/AIDs Awareness Campaigns

SRSP is doing social mobilization regarding HIV/AIDs and mother and childcare in the project districts
Hygiene Promotion Campaigns

SRSP is doing social mobilization regarding Hygiene Promotion Campaigns in the project districts

Universal Primary Education Program (UPEP)

In collaboration with national Commission for Human Development (NCHD), SRSP successfully implemented Universal Primary Education (UPE) Program in Bhiria and Kandiaro talukas of district Naushero Feroze in 14 months. The project activities aimed to ensure the 100% enrollment of boys and girls in primary government schools in the target areas through social mobilization (Table-1).

Table-1: Universal Primary Education Program

Activity Target Achievement (%)
Area covered for base line data 28 UCs 100
Village 2385 100
Wards identification 52 100
Door Marking (HHs) 113995 100
Data collection (HHs) 113995 100
Data analysis (HHs) 113995 100
Enrollment 35600 80
Community Workshops on data collection & enrollment 28 100
Walks for enrollment 28 100
Seminars at UC, Taluka & District level 28 100

5. Environment and Conservation of Natural Resources
(up gradation of environment, advocacy for conservation water and land resources, development of livestock)

Agriculture Management

Total 14 training events on agriculture management were organized for male and female community members of Taluka Shahdadpur, Sinjhoro and Nawabshah in district Sanghar and Nawabshah.
Around 50 members of farmer Organizations were trained in Abiyana (Water Changes) collection and crop assessment aspects.

Livestock Management

Total 17 trainings on livestock management were organized for male and female community members of Taluka Shahdadpur, Sinjhoro and Nawabshah in district Sanghar and Nawabshah.

Awareness campaign _ Achievements

 Tree plantation
 All villagers contributed Rs. 10 per HH for the tree plantation at both locations
 Total 300 trees planted in all seven villages of Khairpur while 400 tree are planted in 15 villages of project at Sanghar
 Voter Registration Campaign
 SRSP started a campaign in collaboration with UNDP to assure the votes to be registered in voters list. PRPP’s social mobilizers and PMC members distributed the literature and posters for motivating the project villages to register their votes in the voters list. The village communities appreciated PRPP staff.

6. Monitoring, Evaluation & Research
(project and program monitoring, evaluation and development research)

Research, Monitoring and evaluation

Socio-economic and baseline survey conducted by SRSP

• Baseline survey of primary education in Naushero Feroz District, NCHD
• Baseline study of health and nutrition in Taung, District Dadu, PKPL.
• Baseline study of health and nutrition in Chambar, District Tando Allah Yar, BP Pakistan.
• Baseline study of health and nutrition in Jati, District Thatta, BP Pakistan.
• Survey of credit needs for micro enterprise development in the Shahpur Chakar town, District Sanghar, PPAF.
• Socio Economic Survey conducted for Urban Basic Services like water, sanitation and environment issues, Nippon Koi(UK)
Socio-economic and baseline survey conducted by SRSP’s Experts

• Socio economic survey of Badin, Thatta, Mirpurkhas and Dadu districts, AgroDev/ADB/Government of Sindh
• Baseline survey of primary education in Badin District, NCHD
• Baseline Study of Socio Economic Conditions of Riverian Areas of Sindh, Government of Sindh.
• Impact Assessment of Second Aquaculture Development Project, ADB/Government of Sindh
• Impact Assessment of Livestock Sector Project in Sindh, ADB/Government of Sindh.
• Household Food Security and Poverty Alleviation in Sindh and Balochistan Provinces, FAO
• Survey for the study “Third Party Monitoring and Evaluation of Institutional Reforms in Water Sector under National Drainage Program in Sindh”, Government of Sindh.
• Survey for Sindh Water Resources Management – Issues and Options, FAO and World Bank;
• Survey for Socio-Economic and Environmental Aspects of Thar Coal Mining – District Tharparkar,

Poverty Reduction
Poverty Reduction Pilot Project (PRPP)

 SRSP has started Poverty Reduction Pilot Project (PRPP) in collaboration with the Government of Sindh/Asian Development Bank (ADB) from February 2007.
 This project is aimed to benefit the marginalized communities of rural areas through employment opportunities. The employment is being generated for locals in the road construction work. The poverty reduction program is directly benefiting more than 130 villages, 7500 households and 60,000 populations.

Achievements in PRPP

 Employment
o At Sanghar 35 selected road workers from 15 villages and at Khairpur 30 selected road workers from 07 villages would get employment under PRPP.
 Project Management Committees at both locations are formed and they are playing vital role in road construction and supporting PRPP activities
 Formation Road Worker Groups (RWGs):
o At Sanghar 03, RWGs are formed 10 to 12 RWGs are in each group
o At Khairpur 03 groups are formed 10 RWGs are in each group
 CBOs formation:
o Sanghar, total 14 CBOs are formed (7 male and 7 female)
o Khairpur, 7 CBOs are formed (1 male and 6 are joint male and female )
 Trainings:
o Total (18) training workshops
Advocacy and Networking
Women Empowerment

At the global level women empowerment is the major component of the socio-economic development and poverty alleviation. Recognizing its importance it is included as goal No.3 in Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Pakistan is also the signatory of the UN’s MDGs declaration. Accordingly this sector is included in SRSP’s all development projects.

SRSP in collaboration of Action Aid Pakistan celebrated International Women Day on 9 March 2007. The program aimed to create awareness among the women from different walks of the society regarding their basic rights. The program included speeches, cultural show, group work and presentation on women rights.
Internship Program

SRSP extends its support to the youth through its various internship and employment programs. SRSP invites the final year students of various departments from different Universities. SRSP has initiated distance learning internship program and about 30 interns are awarded internship certificates every year.

Participation in Civil Society

SRSP participates from grass roots level to large forums for the promotion of human rights, women rights and child rights. SRSP Trustees participate on various forums and share their view on the issues at various TV channels


• Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF)
• Government of Pakistan
• Government of Sindh
• Action Aid
• Orangi Pilot Project (OPP)
• Trust for Voluntary Organizations (TVO)
• National Commission for Human Development (NCHD)
• Nippon Koi
• BP Pakistan
• Human Resources Development Network (HRDN)

SRSP experts have conducted studies related to sustainable development, women empowerment, poverty alleviation, food security, agriculture, land and water resources management, institutional development, social change and women development. The projects were sponsored by Government of Sindh, Government of Pakistan, Action Aid, Oxfam, World Bank, ADB, UNDP, Swiss Development Corporation, DFID, FAO, NORAD, NOVIB and other national and international organizations.
SRSP has associated several prominent and professional experts offering applied research and consulting services to the national and international organizations. It has developed a roaster o of experts having specialization in different sectors.

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